Caden turns 5! | Pokemon theme birthday party
Today, June 3rd, exactly 5 years ago is when I had Caden. Him turning 5, half a decade (insane), is a huge deal and I wanted to go all out on his birthday like I did with his 1st. Caden being an extremely indecisive child couldn't make up his mind on where he wanted his party so I jokingly said, "lets do mcdonalds!" not thinking he'd agree, but to my surprise he did! I know his favorite characters are zombies & pokemon however they don't make party supplies for children with the living dead on it. Plan B was everything Pokemon and I mean EVERYTHING! I quickly made a pinterest board because I just didn't want this party to be ordinary especially since he wanted it at Mcdonalds sooooo I pinned everything cute but boyish & pokemon & alas! the creative wheels started turning...
I bought the majority of party supplies, decorations and candy from Party City. I had two different friends make a pokemon land themed birthday cake (thanks Morgan Lynn!) and pokeballs cake pops (SO GOOD!!). I ordered miniature pokemon figures, pokemon tattoos, and pokemon buttons from Ebay for the kids to fill their pokemon goodie baskets with. This was probably the best party I've ever thrown & Caden had the time of his life, of course!!